World View, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas board, 16x12

World View, oil on canvas board, 16×12

FOURTITUDE Three new paintings, and a remake.

Narcissus, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 24x18

Narcissus, oil on canvas, 24×18

Cliff, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 11x14

Cliff, oil on canvas, 11×14

Emily's Curtains (3rd of 4): Imagining, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18x24

Emily’s Curtains (3rd of 4): Imagining, oil on canvas, 18×24

Emily's Curtains (3rd of 4): Imagining (Reimagined), Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18x24

Emily’s Curtains (3rd of 4): Imagining (Reimagined), oil on canvas, 18×24

4 Replies to “FOURTITUDE”

  1. World View is so encompassing and evocative, yet open and passing. This new work reflects an expanded and retooled vocabulary and an even more accessible messaging. Totally engaging, great stuff!

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