Wave, oil on canvas, 48×36

Wave, oil on canvas, 48×36
NEWER IN BLUE Several themes run through my work over the years, more by accident than by design. Paintings in blue are one of them.
Here is an earlier post, New in Blue, from 2013, and two new ones that surfaced recently.

Wave, detail, oil on canvas, 48×36

Abstract Blue, oil on canvas, 20×24

Abstract Blue, oil on canvas, 20×24

Abstract Blue, detail, oil on canvas, 20×24
Hi Russell:
The more I look at these the more I realize that they are, for me, an evocation of energy. The last three, at first glance, seem quieter and in repose. But no, they are full of energy too, but to my eyes it’s more contained, but still there. It feels like the energy is ready to pop out of the canvass. Explosion in the first several paintings, and “I’m not telling you when I’m going to cut loose, but I am going to–at some point!” in the latter three. It pays to really look.
What a wonderful, insightful comment. You are so right: a lot of it IS about energy. I amass it without intention or effort, and release some of it through the act of painting. I’m glad you feel it. Thanks for being so patient and observant!