Russell Steven Powell

Russell Steven Powell (Bar Lois Weeks photo)

Russell Steven Powell (Bar Lois Weeks photo)

RUSSELL STEVEN POWELL’s writing and artwork reflect a long-standing interest in issues of landscape, and a passion for the physical senses and the natural world.

Powell’s abstract realist oil and acrylic paintings, prints, and sculptures have been featured in solo exhibitions and group exhibitions in western Massachusetts, Cape Cod, Rhode Island, and Virginia. He is a 2013 fellow of the Outer Cape Artist Residency Consortium (OCARC). More of his artwork can be viewed on the Paintings page.

Powell’s video productions include Shack Time, a documentary about the artist shacks in the dunes of the Cape Cod National Seashore. Chosen for the 2001 New England Film and Video Festival, Shack Time was aired regionally by WGBH-TV in Boston.

His books, Living Without Lawn: Rethinking the Front Yard, and Feeling the Heat: Temperature and Time Sensitive, were released by Brook Hollow Press in 2016.

He and Bar Lois Weeks published a book of photographs, Molly’s 17 Rules for Living: Words to Live By from a Canine Bodhisattva, in 2020.

His other books are Apples of New England (2014), America’s Apple (2012); and My Interview With James Baldwin (2016).

Powell was publisher and editor of New England Watershed Magazine, named Best New Publication of 2006 by Utne Reader. Read more about New England Watershed, a journal of art, culture, and ideas.

His essays about apples and orchard photography can be viewed at

He lives in western Massachusetts.

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