Candy-Making (A Christmas Story)
One sheet will be for milk chocolate, the other semisweet. (Russell Steven Powell) MY MOTHER WAS A WHIRLWIND of activity around Christmas. In addition to teaching school and the daily cleaning Continue reading
Artwork and essays
One sheet will be for milk chocolate, the other semisweet. (Russell Steven Powell) MY MOTHER WAS A WHIRLWIND of activity around Christmas. In addition to teaching school and the daily cleaning Continue reading
APRIL SHOWER, acrylic on canvas, 24×18 I HESITATE when people refer to my artwork as “abstract.” It is true — at least in the sense that all art is abstract. The Continue reading
THREE, acrylic on canvas, 16×16 MANY PEOPLE HAVE HELPED ME over the years, for which I am grateful. Sometimes aid has come from unexpected sources. * * * MY INITIAL IDEA for an Continue reading
PLUCK, acrylic on canvas, 24×18 IF THERE IS ANY GOOD to come from the current suffering and slaughtering of innocent lives occurring thousands of miles away, it is that the war’s Continue reading
My first full-time newspaper job, editor of the Auburn, Mass. News (1978-1980) THE BAD THING about being a public artist is that the inevitable mistakes that come with experience and experimentation Continue reading