Manuscript Done!

A Blot On The Landscape, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 24x18

A Blot On The Landscape, oil on canvas, 24×18

TODAY at 6:47 P.M., I completed a 240-page draft manuscript for a book about apples, which I began in earnest one week shy of a year ago. The book is due to be out by late summer. It looks at horticulture, history, culinary uses, food safety, pests and disease, and the race to develop the next Super Apple.

In addition to the text, the book features beautiful orchard photographs by Bar Weeks and me, and a photographic index of more than 120 apple varieties grown in the United States.

It is hard to describe what I am feeling. Giddy, dazed, and exhausted come to mind. There is plenty of work to be done in order to publish this, but completing the manuscript is a major milestone, without which the remaining steps are moot!

0 Replies to “Manuscript Done!”

  1. I know this will be a wonderful book, Russell– both with your incisive writing style and photos that you and Bar do so gorgeously. Congrats on a project well finished, Now on to a book well published. Can’t wait to buy it.

  2. Russell, I am so happy to hear your news…I knew that you were very close, but now it is time to celebrate even before the publication party. The champagne will be waiting! Congratulations!


  3. Great! I’m busy trying to come up with a book-selling title . . . “Trout-Fishing in the Orchard”; well maybe not quite that deceptive but something that will grab the bookstore browser. Congrats! See you Thursday.


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