Paintings Overboard!

Underwater Lair, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 20x16

Underwater Lair, oil on canvas, 20×16

Lair, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 14x11

Lair, oil on canvas, 14×11

I STRUGGLE TO STAY AFLOAT upon a vast sea of green; the May tide keeps rising, testing my equilibrium with successive swells of lilac, viburnum, rhododendron. I  tread grass and leaf continuously, even in my dreams, until once more I am beached on the Provincetown dunes.

Before I washed up there earlier this month, I completed a number of paintings. Before I return in June, I jettison several of them here in hopes of a safe passage.

Stride, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 16x20

Stride, oil on canvas, 16×20

Night Garden, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 11x14

Night Garden, oil on canvas, 11×14

Storm, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18x24

Storm, oil on canvas, 18×24

Landscape, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 16x20

Landscape, oil on canvas, 16×20

White Trees, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 11x14

White Trees, oil on canvas, 11×14


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