41 Love Poems (and other recent paintings)

41 Love Poems, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 24x18
41 Love Poems, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 24x18

41 Love Poems, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18×24

A LITTLE WARMTH and color on this coldest day of the year.

Happy Valentine’s Day.northern-landscape

Last Remains of the Ortona, oil on canvas, 12x16

Last Remains of the Ortona, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 12×16

Northern Landscape, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 16x20

Northern Landscape, oil on canvas, 16×20

Summer Landscape, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 12x16

Summer Landscape, oil on canvas, 12×16


City on the Mount, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 40x30

City on the Mount, oil on canvas, 40×30

Pathways, oil on canvas, 12x16

Pathways, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 12×16

Valley, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 20x16

Valley, oil on canvas, 20×16

Sisters, oil on canvas, 18x24

Sisters, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18×24

Pinks, Russell oil on canvas, 12x16

Pinks, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 12×16

Violets, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 16x20

Violets, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 16×20

Orbs, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 16x12

Orbs, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 16×12

Needle and Thread, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 12x16

Needle and Thread, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 12×16

4 Replies to “41 Love Poems (and other recent paintings)”

  1. Enjoying the vibrant colors and movement on this very cold VDay!

    Just shared ‘Shack Time’ last night with Larry (who also enjoyed the James Baldwin interview) so, the weekend has had a RSP “man of many talents” theme.


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