1, oil on canvas, 30×40
SIX new paintings from November 2016.

2, oil on canvas, 12×16

3, oil on canvas, 36×48

4, oil on canvas, 24×30

5, oil on canvas, 20×16

6, oil on canvas, 30×40
Artwork and essays
1, oil on canvas, 30×40
SIX new paintings from November 2016.
2, oil on canvas, 12×16
3, oil on canvas, 36×48
4, oil on canvas, 24×30
5, oil on canvas, 20×16
6, oil on canvas, 30×40
These are most engaging artwork. Colors are vivid and striking. Composition keeps us actively connected as we play through each frame. Artist is committed and comfortable in his own skin.
Hey Russ, nice work. We should meet for lunch sometime soon. Let me know if you have any free time in the near future. EG
Very colorful! I love all the blue….my favorite color. Very nice!