After posting “Aperture 7” and finishing “Aperture 8” last weekend, I felt the series was done.

It was fruitful, but enough is enough. So I started painting in a freer style suggested by “Approaching Storm,” the final painting in my previous post:

Then came one with thicker paint and bolder lines:

… and a scroll of visual love songs:

I made changes to “Aperture 3”:

… and finished up this small canvas that I started more than a month ago:

Meanwhile, I considered that one aspect of the “Apertures” theme I hadn’t explored was size. The largest of the series is 24×30; what if I doubled that?

You can’t appreciate the size or texture on a computer screen (the image, after all, is the same size as as 10×8 above it). Still, it shows another approach to the theme, if not the grandeur.
Your artwork is always refreshingly wonderful. Thank you, Russell, for the continued inspiration. Much appreciated!
Thank you, Robert! I value your opinion, and appreciate the kind words.