Out With the Old …

Ten apples, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18x24
Ten apples, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18x24
Ten apples, oil on canvas, 18×24


RECENT RECONSTRUCTIONS and experiments in apples as 2019, a challenging year of illness and loss, comes to a merciful end.

Snowstorm, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 16x20
Snowstorm, oil on canvas, 16×20
Six Apples, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 11x14
Six Apples, oil on canvas, 11×14
Abstract 74, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18x24
Abstract 74, oil on canvas, 18×24
Ananas Reinette, Pitmaston Pineapple, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 9x12
Ananas Reinette, Pitmaston Pineapple, oil on canvas, 9×12
River View (2), Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 16x20
River View (2), oil on canvas, 16×20
Nine Apples, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 24x18
Nine Apples, oil on canvas, 24×18
The Meadows (2), Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 24x18
The Meadows (2), oil on canvas, 24×18
Holiday 19, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 14x11
Holiday 19, oil on canvas, 14×11

6 Replies to “Out With the Old …”

  1. I love how the apples merge your earlier often mysterious pods with a festive reinvention of landscape. In the mix here is Meadows, which is brilliantly colorful and evocative, such a burst of spring as the year turns. The puzzle-like form of it reveals how life’s shifting shapes fit together in their most alive state.

  2. Russell,
    I LOVE six apples and ten apples so much! Great shapes and colors. branches hold the variety together! Wonderful! Thank you!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Jan! I appreciate the support … I hope you are painting up a storm, and Happy New Year!

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