Category Four

Riverbend 2, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18x24
Fir, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18x24
Fir, oil on canvas, 18×24


Some of these canvases were started earlier, as much as five years ago, and set aside until recently, only now being brought to completion.

Field of Vision, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 30x24
Field of Vision, oil on canvas, 30×24
Riverbend 2, Russell Steven Powell oil on canvas, 18x24
Riverbend 2, oil on canvas, 18×24

4 Replies to “Category Four”

  1. Hi Russ,
    I see much movement in the painting entitiled FIR.
    I would call it Flight either by birds or fish.
    BTW, What days are good for you to walk.
    I am free on most Fridays and some Wednesdays.
    Yeah it is almost February. Getting closer to spring and picking fiddleheads.

    Smiles, Meg

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