The Road Home

THE ROAD HOME, Russell Steven Powell acrylic on canvas, 40×30

MY FRIEND and neighbor, felt artist Heather Hall, and I went sketching along the Connecticut River last week, a little more than a mile from our homes. On the way back, we stopped a couple of times to make brief, gestural sketches — in one case, just enough to capture the angles of a road I have walked a thousand times.

The field beside it is a kaleidoscope, with infinite patterns, ever moving, according to the season.

4 Replies to “The Road Home”

  1. This is a new favorite because of the trajectory and the movement, so real and universal. the road home is both a retreat to safety and path toward the new unknown. Great stuff!!

    1. Love your insights! The road can be approached from many directions, coming or going, forward or past. Glad you like it.

  2. Hi Russ, my friend! This is a wonderful and very strong image. One that shows your strengths and skills!
    Wonderful image! A favorite for me too!

    1. So nice to hear from you, and thank you for the kind words! I’ve made some changes in my approach, and I am just beginning to see the results.

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