Watercolors are your medium, Russell! Your thick laying-on of paint translates into something greater than the sum of its parts when you use watercolors.
Thank you, Betsy. I continue to be surprised by it, but I feel a special, inexplicable comfort with watercolors. I don’t know what to make of it but I am liking the results, so I will stick with it. The encouragement helps!
Watercolors are your medium, Russell! Your thick laying-on of paint translates into something greater than the sum of its parts when you use watercolors.
Thank you, Betsy. I continue to be surprised by it, but I feel a special, inexplicable comfort with watercolors. I don’t know what to make of it but I am liking the results, so I will stick with it. The encouragement helps!
I especially like Dune Diary 2 — very reminiscent of Arthur Dove!
High praise, Arch! Thanks very much.