A Warm Reception

At the opening reception for “Forest, Field, and Flower,” a guest stands by ORCHARD OVERLOOK, oil on canvas, 48×60

HOURS BEFORE the first winter storm of 2024, the opening reception for “Forest, Field, and Flower” at Holyoke’s Heritage State Park. Thanks for the warm reception!

Russell Steven Powell (Bar Lois Weeks)

The exhibit runs through February 27. Hours are 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday.

(Bar Lois Weeks)
(Bar Lois Weeks)
(Bar Lois Weeks)
(Bar Lois Weeks)
(Bar Lois Weeks)
(Bar Lois Weeks)
(Bar Lois Weeks)
(Bar Lois Weeks)
(Bar Lois Weeks)
(Bar Lois Weeks)

10 Replies to “A Warm Reception”

  1. Good morning, Russell,

    Thank you (and Bar) for these great photographs of your opening on Saturday. Nancy and I regret that we were unable to attend. (Our grandson Ian had three games and a party to celebrate his 14th birthday.) We will see your paintings when we return to Greenfield from Southport later this month. I love your new paintings.

    1. I appreciate your priorities, and I am glad that the show will be there with plenty of time for you to see it. The paintings look best in real time and space!

  2. Congratulations on your show, Russell! What a lovely show, brimming with your commitment to and love of nature and the land. Sorry I wasn’t able to attend your opening reception. I hope to stop by and experience in person while your show is open.

    Paint on!

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